Alex Ross

Alex Ross was born January 22nd, 1970. Ross is an American comic book artist who is primarily known for his painted interiors, covers, and design work. He has done a variety of projects for both DC Comics and Marvel Comics. Ross's style is said to exhibit "a Norman-Rockwell-meets-George-Perez vibe," and has been praised for its realistic, human depictions of classic comic book characters. Ross has won the Will Eisner Award and the National Cartoonists Society award. Ross recently did the artwork for the main character of the Assassins Creed III video game.

Artist: Alex Ross
Title: Astro city #24 Cover(Original Artwork)
Media: Watercolor on 4-ply Stathmore
Dimensions: 10" x 15"
Date: 2013
Kurt Busiek a Marvel collaborator said, "This is a dynamite cover. Ross is as good as ever!"
Connection: This work was added because it was some of Turners finest work, and since he left the world tragically his original art pieces are almost impossible to acquire.
Connection to Theme: This piece was chosen because its depth and detail, it really shows Ross at his finest.
Price: $4,000