Dan Jurgens

Dan Jurgens was born June 27, 1959 in Ortonville, Minnesota. Dan Jurgens is an accomplished writer and artist, who not only writes, but also draws comic books. His storytelling, and art skills have breathed life into many DC and Marvel Characters. Jurgen has worked on the Superman character for 10 years. After he left DC Comics he worked on various titles such as Marvel Comics. A few of the works Jurgens has done at Marvel are Thor, Captain America, and Solar. In 2011, Jurgens was among the new creative talent of The New 52 relaunch. Today Jurgens is still working on The New 52 series. In 1994, Jurgens won the National Cartoonist Society Award for best comic book. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Jurgens)

Artist: Dan Jurgens
Title: Justice League of America
Media: Art paper, pencil and ink
Dimensions: 29" x 23"
Date: 1992
Artist Comments:
"This was a seismic effort, this piece is about as good as it gets for the DC fan in the modern era."
Connection: This iconic poster was impressive enough to make its way into the movies and appears rather prominently in Pauly Shore's bedroom in the 1993 comedy "Son in Law." It also shows Dan Jurgens range and abilities in drawing multiple types of characters.
Current Bid: $2,950